AP US History DBQ & FRQ

AP US History DBQ & FRQ

There are some great online resources available for AP US History Document Based Questions and Free Response Questions. Review the list below to see all the best options.

Prior Year Free Response

These are the actual free response questions from 2015 through 2018. They are all based on the revised APUSH test, with short answers, DBQs, and long essay questions.

DBQ Video

This video by JoczProductions has step-by-step instructions on how to write the APUSH DBQ. You may want to watch this video a few times.

Long Essay Video

This video by JoczProductions is another excellent resource in learning how to write the Long Essay. Be sure to check out his other playlists while you’re at it!

Short Answer Video

This video from JoczProductions does an amazing job explaining the free response questions and provides strategies for success.

Writing in APUSH

This is a great online guide for all three types of questions: Short answer, document-based, and long essay. Includes some very good tips and strategies.

APUSH Thesis Statements

This short PDF clearly explains the different types of thesis statements, when and where to use them, and their impact. Another great resource.

US History Writing

Another great guide for the APUSH essay and document-based question. Plenty of visuals to illustrate the concepts, so if you are a visual learner, this one is for you!

Writing Guide

One more writing guide that includes all three question types. An 18 page PDF that provides a complete review.

AP US History | Practice Exams | FRQ & DBQ | Notes | VideosStudy Guides